Lee Corrigan Added to Governor Hogan’s Sports Advisory Group
Baltimore, MD (May 11, 2020)
On April 24th Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, along with leading scientists, business leaders, and public health experts introduced a plan for a gradual, safe and effective reopening of the state. The “Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery’ transitioned the governor’s Coronavirus Response team of doctors and public health experts into a broader Coronavirus Recovery Team.
As a part of the roadmap Governor Hogan directed Secretary Schulz and the Maryland Department of Commerce to form advisory groups to develop recommendations and best practices for their industries to responsibly reopen and operate. These recommendations will also be carefully reviewed by the Coronavirus Recovery Team.
One of the 13 key industry sectors includes Sports to help guide professional,
amateur and youth athletics return to their respective fields of competition. Subsequently, the Sports Advisory Group was amassed and includes the state’s top names in the industry.
Lee Corrigan, president of Corrigan Sports Enterprises was invited to join the prestigious advisory group which includes Dick Cass (president of the Baltimore Ravens), T.J. Brightman (senior vice president & chief financial officer of the Baltimore Orioles) Terry Hasseltine (executive director of Maryland’s Sports Commission) and Steve Stenerson (president and & CEO of US Lacrosse).
Corrigan said, “It’s an honor to serve Governor Hogan and our great state in this capacity. Maryland offers tremendous year-round athletic opportunities for its residents and visitors, and this group of consultants has been tasked to produce specific guidelines so all athletes can return to our pristine stadiums, fields and parks under the safest conditions at the appropriate time.”
Corrigan Sports Enterprises is a full service sports marketing and event management team based out of Elkridge, MD. CSE owns and operates events such as The Baltimore Running Festival, Under Armour All-America, CSE Women’s Lacrosse Recruiting Series, Oakland (CA) Running Festival, Baltimore Ten Miler, Rumble in Richmond and many more! Check us out: www.corrigansports.com